Sunday, 28 February 2010
Has the NHS suffered under Labour?
The following artical is a truly shocking reflection on this New Labour government but will you continue to vote for them?
One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain.
In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment.
In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment
The charity has disclosed a horrifying catalogue of elderly people left in pain, in soiled bed clothes, denied adequate food and drink, and suffering from repeatedly cancelled operations, missed diagnoses and dismissive staff.
The Patients Association said the dossier proves that while the scale of the scandal at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust - where up to 1,200 people died through failings in urgent care - was a one off, there are repeated examples they have uncovered of the same appalling standards throughout the NHS.
While the criticisms cover all aspects of hospital care, the treatment and attitude of nurses stands out as a repeated theme across almost all of the cases.
They have called on Government and the Care Quality Commission to conduct an urgent review of standards of basic hospital care and to enforce stricter supervision and regulation.
Rising homelessness and poverty in Britain under Labour, and the Conservatives would be just as bad!
Recent major studies of social conditions facing workers and young people in Britain have provided further evidence of the anti-social effect of the policies demanded by big business and pursued by the Labour government. A picture emerges of a downward curve in real pay for millions of workers that has lasted for over a generation, combined with increases in living costs—especially housing—that is both deepening and widening the scope of poverty in Britain.
Britain’s 380,000 “hidden homeles
These people are “hidden homeless” since they only manage to keep off the streets by staying in various forms of temporary accommodation. The charity estimates some 75,000 people stay in bed & breakfast lodgings, 10,000 are squatters, 220,000 share overcrowded accommodation with friends or family, with 70,000 being in a household only under sufferance. The rest are those at “imminent risk” of eviction. For many, such “temporary accommodation” is far from temporary, with some homeless people being shunted from one hostel or b&b establishment to another for several years.
The soaring cost of housing in recent years also has the potential to bring about a rapid rise in homelessness. As the UK house price bubble in the 1980s showed, a rapid rise in interest rates can quickly translate into mortgage defaults and compulsory repossessions, forcing people out of their homes. In 2002, MORI Social Research Institute found that more than one in five people struggled to pay their rent or mortgage because of financial insecurity and the high cost of housing in many areas.
One of the reasons why Britain has lost its way
Why has this once proud nation lost it's way in recent years? Drugs,Crime, violence, and communities lost in drug gang wars. It's a sad development for a nation that has give so much to the world for good. Now Britain is sinking in a cesspool of drugs and violence.
Britain has a greater level of serious drug abuse than any other country in Europe, damning new figures show.
The study reveals nearly one in every hundred people of working age in this country is a drug addict, a level unmatched anywhere else on the continent.
The United Nations report showed that rates of problem abuse here are more than three times those in Holland, nearly four times levels of serious drug-taking in Germany, over twice the rates in France, and nearly double the European average.
The number of regular heavy and regular drug abusers in Britain has shot up compared to the rest of Europe over the past decade, according to the figures.
The UN report drew a powerful contrast between Britain and Sweden, a country where the government has increased penalties for drug abuse and fought a campaign to eradicate drugs entirely.
Violent crime is sweeping Britain - now is the time to stand up and say enough is enough
Violent crime is sweeping Britain and is certainly coming to a community near you if real action is not taken against these gangs on our streets. Immigration from the third world as brought with it massive crime to Britain's streets. Even the police say, that mass immigration as brought with it foreign drug gangs turning our communities into foreign conflict zones. These foreign conflict zones in Britain are getting bigger as we see no let up in Labour's open-door immigration policy. It's time to say no to Britain just becoming New Labour's dumping ground for foreign criminals and drug gangs. Your children and grandchildren will grow up to see Britain a wash with foreign conflict zones. These zones have already been established because of New Labour's open-door policy on immigration. It's destroying Britain and our once proud British communities.
Roy West British National Party Candidate.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Welcome to my blog; it's here for the People of Dukinfield
Support our Troops We say bring them home now!
Wars of aggression, since New Labour gained power in 1997 they have dragged Britain into three wars of aggression, Serbia, Iraq and Afganistan. None of these wars were in the interest of Britain and each damaged our reputation as a nation. The British National Party always opposed these wars. Who are the real racists? 800,000 Muslims Dead due to New Labour, Blair, and Brown and co. British Troops sent into these war zones by war criminals, fighting and dying for these crooked politicians. It's sad to see these brave lads being killed for such a rotten, corrupt, bunch of traitors in the British government. The British National Party supports the British armed forces, thats why we don't want them to fight and die for these New Labour crooks in government.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Has the NHS just become a world treatment centre for the rest of the world?
As the NHS just become a world treatment centre for the rest of the world? With health tourists flooding the under pressure NHS from Africa, Africans with HIV/AIDS now it seems entitled to use the Britsh NHS for their treatment. Health tourism is costing the British tax-payer £200 million a year treating people coming here from all over the world. This is just another betrayal by new Labour against the British people it's disgusting, and fools are they that vote for this bunch of Labour crooks and traitors. While 25,000 British Pensioners die of the cold each year in this country because they are afraid to put the heating on to warm their homes, New Labour spend millions on foreigners for their treatment on our NHS. New Labour's policy is to treat immigrants first and British people last, new Labour's plan is to flood Britain and the NHS with foreigners which means the worlds sick, immigrants to work in the NHS, doctors, cleaners, which means substandard cleaning in the NHS.
Vote British National Party - Vote British People First.
BNP takes on Labour in its heartland
You don’t get much more of a Labour stronghold than Jarrow in South Tyneside – a town made famous by heavy industries like coal mining and shipbuilding, as well as its history fighting for jobs.
The main shipyard Palmers, employed 80% of the town’s working population until its closure in 1934. Around 1,000 ships were built at the yard.
The closure of the shipyard was responsible for the event which made Jarrow a household name across the country. The town was the starting point for the Jarrow Crusade to London to protest against unemployment in Britain in 1936.
Since then, the town has returned huge majorities for each and every Labour Party politician standing for office.
That is until last night, when nearly one-in-three of the residents in the town’s Primrose Ward voted for the British National Party.
This was the full result:
Ken Stephenson (Lab) – 854
Pete Hodgkinson (BNP) – 566
Aaron Luke (Ind) – 213
David Rice (Ind) – 174
Anthony Lanaghan (Con) – 124
Susan Troupe (Lib Dem) – 100
BNP Percentage: 27.9%
The 33% turn-out for a local council election was high for the town showing that the BNP campaign motivated voters from all the parties to make an effort to cast their vote.
“We fought a good campaign and are pleased with the result,” said Ken Booth, the British National Party’s North-East Regional Organiser.
“Pete Hodgkinson was an excellent candidate and his hard-working team pulled out all the stops to achieve this ground-breaking result.
“We have showed that we can take on Labour in its very heartland and make serious in-roads into the vote that it has taken for granted for generations.
“We shall be back in May for the full round of local elections and are hoping to build on our 566 tally from last night.”
The election was a disaster for both the Tories and Liberal Democrats whose candidates were pushed into 5th and 6th place by two Independent candidates. The Conservative vote crashed by nearly 13% – showing just what Jarrow thinks of David Cameron and his empty soundbites.
It is worth noting that 57% of all votes cast in this election were postal votes. Yet again allegations of massive postal vote fraud are being directed at the utterly corrupt Labour Party.
Fox Hunting: the rights and wrongs
I certainly understand the moral wrongs regarding fox hunting but who can convince me different? I am not coming from a political stage on this subject just the moral one. The people that take part in this brutal blood sport of hunting foxes and wildlife always use the argument that it's a necessary act in order to keep the fox population down and under control, sorry but I don't buy that for one moment. The only thing on which I stand in agreement with the fox hunters, is that, it's certainly a long tradition but it's a tradition of unnecessary human brutality. If you were to find yourself in a position where you needed to kill the wildlife in order to survive then it would be difficult to come out against that situation. But this fox hunting is nothing more than a brutal act that serves only a human perversion to see animals kill other animals in up there in the hills. Now don't get all political about this subject it's a moral opinion of right or wrong, is fox hunting a necessary part of country life based on keeping control of the fox population or just a need to satisfy that inner blood lust of watching dogs kill that fox? Blood sports does not just stop with the fox it's anything that moves up their in the hills. Have you ever seen these hunters taking part in what they see as nothing more that a bit of natural sport? No, in my view it's kill anything you see just because it's there. I understand that country life is very much different to what we know here in Towns and cities, it's just looking at the moral rights and wrongs of blood sports thats all.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Workfare, is it fair?
I am in total agreement with most people in Britain today that workfare is the best way to go with benefit payments. Certain sections of the benefit claiming society should be made to work for their benefits. We will start with drug addicts that are a constant drain on the system drug users get all the help off the state, yet in most cases never put anything back into society except for being responsible for alot of the crime in the community. A real plan of workfare programmes could be the only alternative for drug addicts, persisant yob-problems. Rather than bleeding the tax-payer to pay for drug addicts benefit, show the drug addicts the rules of a decent society and put them on a workfare program. It's only a matter of time before people demand action and a policy of workfare in this Country. The benefits systems pays-out to immigrants just off the boat in England, British tax-payers are even paying for children in Poland and beyond. £1 Million in child benefit is being sent to Poland every month, 25 Million in child benefit floods out of Britain each year to the rest of Eastern Europe. The British benefits system pays for the rest of the world it seems in these days of new Labour. The only way to stop the floods of tax-payers money flooding out of these shores, is to vote British National Party. It's a growing movement for change you know! Never mind the rantings of the far-left they want all the above to take place, they want Britain to be a wash with third world immigration, foreigners milking the benefits system thats why the policy to flood Britain with immigrants is in place. .
Who has put the Politically Correct handcuffs on the police?
It seems to many, that the police have lost the confidence of decent folk in our communities these troubled times. We can certainly see the open conflict between cops that don't want to police the streets by the up stairs political agenda, and the liberal courts that deal in 'Let them off policy'. The police no longer have that majority confidence once enjoyed with the whole community. Community policing once mentioned with a sense of British pride has vanished from most communities, the police are policing our streets with no real sense of communication with the wider public. It comes as a real shock to those that can remember the policeman on the beat, to the now politically correct policeman in a fast car. Not all change is a good thing, I fear that our modern policing force is just another tool in which to hit us all over the head with more politically correct instructions from on high in government. When residents in Dukinfield tell about visits from the police on election day telling them to take down BNP election posters from their own windows, then I know I'm not going mad. The police have no right to advise people to take down my election posters from their windows. But yes it did happen in Dukinfield in 2008, the police took on that roll of a political police force. I am not anti-police, but they did interfere in the local elections here in Dukinfield by asking residents to take down my election posters, and that cannot be ignored in any free democratic society.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
My thoughts on Faith and The Church Of England.
Many of you that follow the politics of the Church, will surely have noticed that the Church of England is swimming in a politically correct cesspool of corruption. Long gone, are the teachings of morality and the faith in the gospels. We see, that out of the Church of God (Church Of England) has been created a politically correct monster. Christians that believe in homosexuality as being a sin in the eyes of God are shouted down and told that they are haters. In this insane world of politically correct teachings now pouring out of the Church of England pulpit, we see a decaying monster held together by hypocrites and politically correct bullies. Men and Women of the cloth standing in the pulpit spewing out their political instructions to the masses, yet constantly failing to teach the gospels and the commandments, and the word of God. The Church of England can no longer look God in the face and be washed clean of hypocrisy, the stain of politically correct bile runs through the Church, from the doors to the Church, to that politically correct pulpit. The Church of England owns it's self to a world of lies and political instructions, it no longer looks to the Kingdom of God for it's teachings of the gospels and family values, it's true paith is ruled by the hypocrites in that pulpit and by political thuggery.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
The betrayal of British Pensioners
What a scandal and betrayal, that we see before us today here in Britain. With 25,000 British pensioners freezing to death due to the cold each year in Britain, and seeing Britain fork out £billions to India and the third world in aid hand outs. New Labour are traitors, and are the friends of immigrants and bogus Asylum seekers now flooding this once Great Nation. We see British prisons filling up with foreign criminals, we see our streets just becoming battle grounds for foreign drug gangs fighting it out for Supremacy for drug dealing. The welfare of British Pensioners comes second place to that of the welfare of immigrants just of the boat coming to England. What is Britain doing sending £billions in child benefit to foreigners not living in the UK? Yet this rotten Labour government of traitors can allow the scandal of 25,000 Pensioners freezing to death each year from the cold, to continue in this Country. What ever happened to that Great saying 'Charity Begins At Home'? Well! British Pensioners are asking that same question it seems. Don't expect an answer anytime soon from this bunch of New Labour crooks.
Monday, 22 February 2010
The curse of illegal Mini-Motorbikes
Most people in Dukinfield will no doubt share my concerns that the curse of the Mini-Motor bikes are back on our streets here in Dukinfield. The people riding them on the streets, have no concern for public safety or their own. The police need to target the usual suspects riding these death traps on the pavements and roads. We don't want any deaths involving these bikes on the streets of Dukinfield do we? The police need to be constantly looking to target the persistent offenders.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Help to save the Citizens Advice Bureau on King Street Dukinfield
With the news of Tameside council withdrawal of funding for the Citizens Advice Bureau on King street in Dukinfield, a group of volunteers have got together to try and raise funds for the survival of the Advice Bureau on King Street. Please go along to King Street post office in Dukinfield and buy a spring raffle ticket, first prize: 2 x tickets to Manchester United v Man City game, 2nd prize: A day at the races, 3rd prize: A meal for two, 4th prize: £25.00 Gift Voucher.
Please help to save the Citizens Advice Bureau on King Street Dukinfield
Thank You!
Roy West
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Why I joined the British National Party
I joined the British National Party because of the failure of the three main Lib/Lab/Con/ parties to address my concerns about immigration, crime, and poverty. The violence, drugs, gangs on our streets, due to mass immigration and lack of decent policing, out of touch politicians riding on the gravy train, no real interest in representation for the people only making money out of self-interest and greed.
It is time to use your vote for the power of the people, time to vote for the freedom party the British National Party. Only the fool will continue to vote for the traitors of the Lib/Lab/Con self-interest political parties. Show your courage and be confident to vote BNP. The old parties will never solve the problem of crime and gangs on our streets because the will to act on crime and yob-violence is not there. It's time to say no to the crime on our streets, it's time to say no to Britain just becoming a dumping ground for the third world, it's time to stop Britain being a battle ground for foreign gangs on our streets. It's time to show your courage and vote British National Party.
Roy West
Monday, 15 February 2010
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