Friday, 28 May 2010

203,000 "Paper British" Created Last Year

New figures from the Home Office have revealed that a record number of “new British” citizens were created last year, increasing by 50 percent over the previous year to an astounding 203,000 cases.

The Home Office data shows that more than half of these new “Britons” originated from the Indian sub-continent and Africa.

Bangladeshis, Indians, Pakistanis and Filipinos constituted the largest ethnic groups.

No doubt these are the "skilled" workers that Labour insists that Britain so badly needs at this time of rising mass unemployment.

Interestingly, although around 50 percent were awarded British citizenship on the basis of their length of residence in this country, a staggering 25 percent obtained their citizenship through marriage with a “British” citizen.

It is widely recognised that a significant proportion of such “marriages” are bogus, being part of a growing industry to facilitate the acquisition of much-prized British citizenship and the benefits that accrue to such.

Last year's number of applications for a British passport was the third largest since figures were first compiled in 1987.

The latest figures also illustrate the hollowness of Labour's recent “assurances” as to the scale of immigration.

Last year, some 503,000 people immigrated legally into Britain. At the same time, some 134,000 citizens left the country. This translates into a total net reduction of 13,000.

As for Labour's promises to increase the deportations of failed “asylum seekers”, they have, once again, failed miserably. The UK Border and Immigration Agency have only managed to remove some 15,000 so far this year, down five percent on the figure for the same period last year.

With both the Tories and Lib Dems determined to curry electoral favour with the huge number of migrants in Britain, it can only be a matter of time before the coalition Government formulates an amnesty of some sort.

This will pave the way for the creation of hundreds of thousands — and possibly millions — of new “paper British” citizens.

The British National Party has already placed on record its intention to review all grants of British citizenship awarded since 1997.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Bushra Ferozdin Butt: A Case Study in How the LabConDem “Immigration” System Allows the World’s Scoundrels to Parasite off the British Taxpayer

The shocking case of Pakistani national Bushra Ferozdin Butt, wanted in her home country on murder charges but living in Britain on £1,300 per month benefits, is the perfect example of everything that is wrong with the LabConDem immigration system.

Ms Butt is wanted in Pakistan for murder after allegedly killing her husband by burning him to death. She was arrested and spent ten months in jail awaiting trial. When she was released on bail, she fled to Britain, where she had previously resided for nine years.

That period of residence in Britain ensured that she has permanent leave to remain in our country, and consequently she draws benefits equivalent to a British person earning £22,000 per year.

According to news reports, Ms Butt draws £330.70 a week in council tax and housing benefit. She arrived in Britain in September 2009, which means that she has already earned £11,243.80 courtesy of the British taxpayer.

Interviewed by a daily newspaper in her flat in Luton, Ms Butt declared that she was not working because she has depression.

“I go to the bank every two weeks and get my benefits. It is all very good. I like this country very much. It is better here than Pakistan. I get [sic] benefit for housing and my illness.”

How is it possible that a person born in Pakistan, wanted for murder in that country, can live in Britain drawing benefits which total more than what many ordinary working British people earn in a year?

Ms Butt is in fact not doing anything illegal. She is merely following the guidelines laid down by successive governments with regard to immigration law in Britain.

Anyone, from anywhere, who has “indefinite leave to remain” in Britain, even if they are not citizens or have never paid into the social welfare system, qualify for benefits.

This state of affairs, more than anything else, shows precisely how badly the British people have been betrayed by Tory and Labour regimes.

There is not another nation on earth which would allow itself to be so brutally abused in this manner, and certainly not Pakistan.

Only the British National Party would address this ongoing problem, and it is to that end that the party is redoubling its outreach efforts to the public.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

(Fairness And Justice )Roy West Dukinfield British National Party (Say No To Gutter Politics)

My local Labour Councillor has people going to him making allegations against me with-out evidence, then my Labour Councillor sends me these letters. He does not believe in Justice and fair play.

May I start by saying thanks to those loyal voters that stayed with me and the BNP. It was yet another struggle in the cause of freedom and representation. The bulk of the loyal BNP vote stayed with me, and I have to be pleased with that. It's a case of looking at the result with hope and that the fight can continue. After all, it's your fight as well. A fight for political representation in the community. Corruption takes away your right for political representation and a true voice on council. But there is always next year !

True Extent of Imported Third World Vote Fraud in UK Election Emerges

The full extent of the massive electoral fraud perpetrated by Third World colonisers in Britain during last week’s election has started to emerge as police forces across the country launch formal investigations into nearly 80 serious incidents, almost all involving Pakistani Muslims.

In London, Scotland Yard has announced investigations into 28 cases of "election irregularities" in a dozen London boroughs, including Barking and Dagenham.

According to a London newspaper, fears are being privately expressed that there has been “massive postal vote rigging.”

The extent of the fraud may well be staggering: out of a total electorate of 46 million, some 7 million voters registered for postal ballots — more than the total number of votes polled by the Liberal Democrats.

All of the incidents being investigated have occurred in Muslim Pakistani highly colonised areas, including Lambeth, Westminster, Enfield, Hounslow, Haringey, Brent, Bexleyheath, Camden, Redbridge and Barking and Dagenham.

Scotland Yard’s Specialist Operations department has launched formal investigations into four claims of electoral fraud in Ealing and Tower Hamlets, where officials removed 141 suspect ballots from the register.

Election officials in Tower Hamlets received 5,166 new registrations just before the April 20 cutoff date, reports revealed. The sheer quantity meant that there was no time to check their validity.

A report in the Daily Mail newspaper revealed that “a property in Rainhill Way, Bethnal Green, where Labour Party council election candidate Khales Uddin Ahmed lives with his family, seven adults have suddenly joined the electoral roll.”

The Daily Mail continued: “A few streets away, where Labour councillor Shiria Khatun is seeking re-election, her household has been boosted by three new voter registrations at her small flat within the past few weeks,” adding that when reporters asked for an explanation “Her husband angrily slammed the door.”

The newspaper also revealed one incident where a visitor from Bangladesh had submitted a postal vote — even though he was only due to arrive in Britain the following week.

Elsewhere in Britain, police have launched a further 50 criminal investigations after it became apparent that voters’ rolls were being flooded with bogus registrations.

In Yorkshire, five police investigations are under way in Bradford and Calderdale, where two arrests have been already been made.

The importation of Third World populations has meant the simultaneous importation of Third World culture, as reflected in the ever increasing incidents of electoral fraud.

This tragic destruction of Britain’s First World culture underlines the importance of the British National Party’s message and goal, which is the preservation of the indigenous British people as the dominant population of this island.

* In an email to supporters sent out last week, BNP leader Nick Griffin MEP remarked how shocked party workers had been in Barking at the massive non-indigenous turnout at the polls.

In many areas, there had not been a single white person to be seen for hours on end.

The massive ethnic gerrymandering most certainly contributed to the final result, he added.

Cameron Appoints Harriet Harman Mark II as Equalities Minister

David Cameron has continued his headlong flight back into his leftist roots with the appointment of Equality Minister Lynne Featherstone — who immediately accused the Government of being too white.

The shocking attack — which would be unthinkable in any Third World country (imagine a politician in Japan accusing his government of being “too Japanese”) — was ignored by Mr Cameron.

Ms Featherstone, a Liberal Democrat, replaces Labour’s Harriet Harman in the Orwellian-named “Equality Ministry” which is designed to suppress any signs of indigenous British opposition to the colonisation of or country by the Third World.

Ms Featherstone also criticised the relative scarcity of women in the new cabinet, and condemned as “male and pale” the two teams which negotiated the coalition agreement.

In a newspaper interview, the far leftist Ms Featherstone said after she had been offered the job by Mr Cameron, she had told him, “We must do better.”

She then went on to launch an attack on men generally, bizarrely claiming that a woman’s perspective “absolutely matters” because “men concentrate on “big macho projects like who's got the biggest airport or the longest train.”

Any male politician making similar remarks about women would instantly be dragged over the coals for sexism.

However, in the topsy-turvy Lib/Lab/Con world, it is perfectly acceptable to say whatever one likes about white males without fear of repercussion.

Ms Featherstone is a millionairess whose family own the Ryness chain of electrical stores.

This did not stop her from claiming £22,000 worth of stationery from the public purse in March 2007 in an attempt to beat new rules on stationery allowances for MPs.

Her attempt to swindle the public was foiled and she was forced hand all the stationery back, with parliamentary official Cliff Harris being quoted as saying that "it's quite alarming when you see that Lynne Featherstone spent over £22,000 in one month, the equivalent to three years of the new capped rate.”

Ms Featherstone also once told women to enter local politics because they could “use their town hall allowances to pay for cleaners and babysitters.”

A huge thank you from Roy West

May I start by saying thanks to those loyal voters that stayed with me and the BNP. It was yet another struggle in the cause of freedom and representation. The bulk of the loyal BNP vote stayed with me, and I have to be pleased with that. It's a case of looking at the result with hope and that the fight can continue. After all, it's your fight as well. A fight for political representation in the community. Corruption takes away your right for political representation and a true voice on council. But there is always next year for a BNP candidate in Dukinfield to take on that challenge once again for you the people. I have always said that politics is a hard struggle and demands self-sacrifice. We look to the future with great concern for our nation and children. We hold up the standard to be our own, thats the way it should always be in this life. But politics is life, and we owe it to our children to make that self-sacrifice. Our nation has lost that spirit of old, a nation with-out worth of some kind is a dead nation indeed. We can only look to you the people, to take up that cause and forge ahead with a new challenge for our broken people. Father is the struggle of all things, be it political struggle or struggle through poverty and lack of spirit. I love England very much and I see what they have done to this once great nation. But you can stand up with me and become a force they cannot stop. Join us today and be a modern day Richard the Lion Heart.
Roy Kevin West