Saturday, 3 April 2010

British People Put Last: Third of Hospitals to Cut Operations “Because of Budget Deficits” but War in Afghanistan and Foreign Aid Continues

A third of all National Health Service Trusts are cutting back the number of operations being performed because of “budget cuts” while both Tories and Labour have promised to intensify the £3 billion a year war in Afghanistan and increase the £9 billion foreign aid budget.

According to new research conducted by think tank Civitas, casualty departments are “also facing the axe because primary care trusts are over budget and running a deficit.”

The report, made after an analysis of figures provided at the public board meetings of 100 trusts, has found that health service overspend is set to hit £130 million.

The study found that GPs in Hertfordshire were told to get “approval” before recommending hysterectomies, tooth extraction and the removal of “skin lumps and bumps.”

The primary care trust in Enfield, North London, was the worst affected in the survey where the hospital is £17.5 million in debt.

As a result, an accident and emergency department at Chase Farm hospital in Enfield is to be closed.

According to reports, leaving the NHS to “make do” with rises that keep up with inflation will lead to a shortfall of £20 billion by 2013.

By way of contrast, the war in Iraq cost at least £7 billion per year to fight and presented the taxpayer with a final bill of just under £50 billion — more than twice the projected NHS shortfall.

Civitas’s figures were backed up by a warning from the health think tank, the King’s Fund, which warned that one in three hospital beds in London could face the axe as a result of impending public sector service spending cuts.

John Appleby, chief economist of the King’s Fund, warned of drastic cutbacks: “In London there is a plan to close a third of hospital beds that is being floated by the NHS. It’s not out in the open yet and already it’s attracted huge opposition,” he told a newspaper.

The Tories and Labour have both promised to intensify the war in Afghanistan and army chiefs have warned that the conflict could continue for anywhere between five and 20 years.

In addition, both Labour and Tories have promised to increase the foreign aid budget from £9 billion to £13 billion per year, every year.

The British National Party is the only party which will put the interests of British people first.

It is little short of treason to cut services to British people while continuing to spend billions on illegal wars and foreign aid.

The BNP will immediately halt all foreign wars and the foreign aid budget so that this money can be reallocated to services which are in the interests of the indigenous population.

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