Sunday, 4 April 2010

Dear Resident of Dukinfield

How many times have you pleaded with the police and Labour Councillors to act on the problem of anti-social behaviour in Dukinfield? Yes thats right you've lost count of the times. The simple fact of reality with the police and Labour Councillors is, together they set up these commities and talking shops about anti-social behaviour, but talking shops is the key word here nothing is done to remove the ant-social behaviour yobs from most communities. A policeman that shall remain nameless told me recently 'we are always fighting a regard action.' But why should this be the case? It does not fill you with a sense of confidence in the police, think that the Isle of Man had the right idea in their fight against yobs on the streets. The outcry for the poor yob and their human rights comes before that of their victims. Our communities are broken, our streets are ruled by yobs and hoodies. We feel that our confidence in police action fading fast in our communities. No real will or drive to rid our steets of yobs causing fear and intimidation. It's always the same for residents of Dukinfield time and time again all talk and no police/Labour action.

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