Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Turkey Relaxes Visa Entry Requirements for Middle Eastern Nations
The Tory, Labour and Lib Dem-supported policy of opening the European Union to Turkey has taken on an ominous meaning with the news that the Turkish government has abolished a visa requirement for several Middle Eastern countries, including Syria and Libya.
This means that once Turkey is part of the EU — a move supported by all the Westminster parties — almost the entire Middle East will have legal and visa-free access to Europe, and to Britain’s welfare system in particular.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the announcement of the visa relaxation procedures while on a recent visit to Saudi Arabia.
Asked at a press conference if this visa liberalisation would change should Turkey join the EU, Mr Erdogan answered with a quote from the Koran: “Strive for what is right, as it (by God) is commanded.”
The Greek government has already reported that Turkish military aircraft are interfering with anti-illegal immigration patrols in the Mediterranean.
The Turkish prime minister’s evasive answer to the visa question press conference is therefore a clear indication that the Islamic world intends to use the EU as an instrument through which they will conquer Europe by overwhelming the Continent by numbers.
Conservative Shadow minister Michael Gove was exposed last year as the influential guiding hand behind propaganda attempts to get Turkey admitted to the European Union.
Mr Gove, who is Tory Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and MP for Surrey Heath, is one of a cross party group of patrons of a new magazine called Turkey in Europe.
According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News, the magazine was “launched on behalf of the patrons of Turkey in Europe who are Michael Gove MP, Dr Denis MacShane MP and Graham Watson MEP.”
Mr Macshane is from the Labour Party and Mr Watson is leader of the Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament. Lib Dem MP Edward Davey is also listed as a patron.
The editor of the new magazine, Osman Streater, said that it “was established to bring international business together and to promote Turkish membership of the European Union,” according to Hurriyet.
“He added that Turkey in Europe magazine is independent of the Turkish and UK governments and funded by its members, allowing it to be an independent business-focused voice in support of Turkish membership.”
Another Liberal Democrat MP, Edward Davey, spoke at the meeting, saying he hoped the magazine would reach its goal of helping Turkey gain full membership in the EU.
The magazine’s first issue contains articles in support of Turkey’s EU membership by Tony Blair; Conservative Shadow Secretary of State for Defense, Liam Fox; and Labour’s Minister for Europe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Caroline Flint.
Tories Pledge to Cut British Jobs and Infrastructure to “Save £6 Billion” — but Seek to Increase Foreign Aid to £13 Billion
The Tory party plans to reverse Labour’s National Insurance rate hike by cutting £6 billion of jobs and IT systems from the civil service — but simultaneously aims to increase the UK’s foreign aid budget to £13 billion every year.
According to the “plans” announced by Tory shadow chancellor George Osborne, thousands of civil service jobs will be cut and major IT projects would be axed under a Conservative regime.
The cutting of IT infrastructure will also lead to less work becoming available for British software and hardware contractors, making the Tory pledge into a double anti-British jobs assault.
The Conservatives have renewed their pledge to increase the foreign aid budget to £13 billion every year while at the same time “saving” £6 billion by reducing the number of jobs available to British people.
In addition, the Tories have promised to escalate the war in Afghanistan, which already costs the taxpayer £3 billion per year.
The Tories are also fully committed to continued membership of the European Union, which costs Britain £60.1 billion per year.
In the light of these figures, the £6 billion that Mr Osborne claims as some type of “election vote winner” is revealed to be nothing more than a disgraceful confidence trick.
The “cuts” proposed by Mr Osborne for British workers compares unfavourably with his own parliamentary expenses claims which show that he cashed in £21,532 in allowances for his second home in Rainow.
Mr Osborne claimed £18,360 on mortgage payments, a further £2,300 for food, £670 on cleaning bills and £202 under the heading of service and maintenance.
Only the British National Party has the simple and obvious answer to the budget deficit: cut all expenditure which is not in the interests of the British people.
These cuts will include the £13 billion paid out to the mass immigration racket, the £4 billion paid out to the asylum swindle, the £60 billion paid out to the EU each year, the £9 billion paid out on foreign aid, the £3 billion paid out on illegal and immoral foreign wars, and the untold billions paid out to subsidise the Tory/Labour fat cat banker friends.
Once these ongoing and ever-increasing expenditures are cut, it will be possible to reallocate the budgetary spend to reduce the deficit without cutting front-line services or jobs.
NHS: More Cuts and Bruises
Controversial documents reveal that tens of thousands of NHS workers would be sacked, hospital units closed and patients denied treatments if Government proposals to make £20 billion of cuts are implemented.
According to media reports, the plans involve encouraging sick people to email their doctors rather than attend surgery.
They also suggest that standard, but relatively expensive operations, such as hip replacements be curtailed.
The plans appear to be entirely contrary to Gordon Brown’s much publicised pledge to protect NHS “front line services.”
In particular, proposals could lead to:
* Up to 10 per cent of NHS staff being laid-off in some areas.
* Clinical professionals being replaced by less qualified people, many of whom will be sourced from overseas.
* The loss of thousands of hospital beds.
* A significant reduction in the number of ambulance call-outs.
While the leaked documents reveal the scale of Labour’s proposed assault on the NHS, the Conservatives, who are planning similar “austerity measures,” are cynically keeping them under wraps until after the general election.
Media claims were substantiated last Wednesday when Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling insisted that the £20 billion savings would be achieved through NHS “efficiency savings” and not by cutting key services.
NHS observers agree that although efficiency savings can be achieved, the target of £20 billion borders on the impossible.
Furthermore, documents released by a number of Strategic Health Authorities (SHA) suggest that it will be the very NHS key services said to be “ring-fenced” which will be hit.
The SHA covering Kent, Surrey and Sussex proposes cost savings of £1.6 billion in what it describes as a “discussion document.”
This “restricted” document, circulated amongst the health authority’s board members, suggests that 10,000 of the region’s 100,000 NHS workers may lose their jobs.
According to media reports, “The new financial environment demands that the trend in workforce growth must be reversed.”
It continues by suggesting that employee numbers should be reduced by 10 per cent “or more.”
The document also reportedly states that staffing in the sector covering hospitals “can be expected to decline faster and further” than elsewhere.
In London, health managers believe up to £2 billion can be saved from community care budgets, which includes GPs’ surgeries.
Meanwhile, in the North West region, the NHS authority responsible for health provision in Greater Manchester and Merseyside is expected to make about £2 billion savings.
As part of that programme it is now preparing to close an A&E unit in Rochdale during evenings before scrapping it altogether next year.
NHS Yorkshire, which has to achieve £2 billion in cuts, proposes directing more patients to “teleservices such as NHS Direct.”
Perhaps more worrying still is the news from the NHS’s East region, which covers Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk — where savings of up to £2 billion are to be made.
One of their proposals is said to involve the outsourcing of some hospital services to social workers, making them responsible for some treatments.
It is obvious that no matter if Labour or Tories win the general election, the NHS is going to be the loser.
It is also clear that no matter how under-funded the NHS may become, neither of these corrupt parties have the slightest intention of reducing this country’s mammoth multi-billion pound foreign aid budget.
The British National Party is determined to ensure that the NHS should be properly funded and that the practices and facilities that made it a world-class health service in the 1950s and 1960s be restored.
Cuts in the NHS may not affect MPs and Heath Trust managers having private health insurance, but they will affect millions of ordinary Britons; people who can make their feelings on the subject known by voting for the BNP on polling day.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Dear Resident of Dukinfield
'Struggle is the father of all things'. We go into these local elections with the intentions of being a Shining Light for truth. You can be sure, that this BNP Candidate is never motivated by money and or financial gain. My aim if elected is to blind the corrupt politicians with the truth about their corrupt methods. Everyone must feel that they have someone elected onto council to fight their corner to give them a voice in the community. Now will be the greatest chance on May 6th in Dukinfield to break that corruption held here in Dukinfield for a long time by the Labour three Mafia. These Cllrs are not 'Old Labour' but self-interest politicians they go where the wind blows. These Labour Councillors care not for your needs but for what goes into their own bank accounts. The methods of the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' would shock you! I have been at the receiving end of their hate, smears, and lies. The workers of the Old Labour movement would never have called in thugs from outside the area like the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' have do so. I promise the residents of Armadale Road a lot more action in relation to the years of reporting anti-social behaviour in that area. I know you feel frustrated by the lack of concern by the Labour three in Dukinfield. Thats what you get when people elect self-interest councillors to represent them.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Who killed the Old Labour Party?
The betrayal of the British working class, is on the agenda of the banks and Internationalists. The Old Labour movement of political determination to serve the working class, seems to be million miles from this bunch of Labour crooks and masters of political thuggery. (Money and Greed) the code for these new Labour political crooks running this once great nation. Britian makes money, not for HER own people but for crooked MP'S and their Party workers and masters. Foreigners are more important rather than England's own poor and needy in this broken land fit for heroes. The most hated government in living history with Peter Mandelson the Architect of pulling up the roots of Old Labour along with Presscott the Old Labour traitor if ever you saw one of the kind. This nest of snakes that care nothing for the British people not a care for pensioners in need. Making money through corruption and crooked deals with the banks, but not only that, taking Britain into wars again their motivations money and power. Corruption is evil no mistake about that, we can all see these vile politicians at work making these crooked deals in sight of us all but they always get away with their vile crimes against the British people.
Who cares? We do! The British National Party.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
The Labour Party betrayal of the ideals of their founding fathers
You see the evil and corrupt Labour politicians bleeding us all of our savings and tax-money. It's a betrayal of the working class, a Labour movement no-longer the champions of the poor and working class in our nation. The founding fathers of the Labour movement have had their memories defiled by the charlatans who now masquerade as champions of the workers. The Labour rosette no longer represents the workers of this country, it now represents a cabal of opportunist chancers who have no interests in the history or ideals which brought the original Labour movement to prominence. You know now it's all a vile nest of money grabbing Labour internationalists far removed from the British working class. The roots of the Old Labour party has long gone, as the money men have taken over that Labour party today. The Labour party no-longer stands for the British working family, but a corrupt Europe and internationalist agenda. If you want to be a Lib/Lab/Con politician these days in sinking Britain, you need only to be corrupt in the first place to get elected. This is why the British National Party always face the smears attacks from the UAF/Lib/Lab/Con snakes, so these political crooks can carry on with their corrupt agenda. These political crooks and Lib/Lab/Con traitors see the British National Party as a threat to them not to the British people themselves. The BNP love the British people! and want the Lib/Lab/Con crooks and traitors to answer for their crimes against the British people.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Will the Dukinfield Labour Party issue a statement distancing themselves from their 'hired helpers' and violent thugs - the UAF?
We look to our local leaders for respectful leadership, to bring people closer to the alter of democracy and community politics. We see the hypocrites from the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' in league with the violent political thugs from the UAF. Labour will bring in their political thugs to intimidate you from voting BNP, and to spread fear in Dukinfield once again. What is worrying to me on a very personal issue is, the Labour magistrate posting smear leaflets for this very violent political extremist leftist group in Dukinfield last local elections. This Labour Mafia in Dukinfield play a very dangerous game with their violent political friends(the uaf) brought into the ward to do Labour's dirty work. It will be interesting to see if the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' will distance themselves from the violent UAF for this coming local election in Dukinfield.
Roy West British National Party Candidate.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Dear Resident of Dukinfield
News comes to me that the extremist leftist UAF street thugs — who are officially endorsed by the Lib Dem, Labour and Tory parties — have been condemned by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) as seeking “violent confrontation” with the “sole intention of creating disorder” after yesterday’s shocking scenes in Bolton. These are the same violent thugs brought in by 'Dukinfield Labour' during the last local elections here in Dukinfield. These are the same Labour/UAF backed thugs that will be operating here in Dukinfield in 2010. But they will not put in their leaflets details of their own shocking orchestrated violence on our streets. But Dukinfield Labour have two magistrates that leaflet with these UAF thugs, they did so in the last local election here in Dukinfield. These Labour/UAF thugs will team up again in the Dukinfield Ward (2010) with no regret of any violence or intimidation they may bring to the streets of Dukinfield. The British National Party will not be put off by threats or violence from Labour/UAF here in Dukinfield. We want a strong law-abiding community free from these Labour backed thugs causing fear and violence on our streets.
Support free speech Vote BNP in 2010.
Roy West Your BNP Candidate.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
An open letter to the folk of Dukinfield
It's been a long, hard, and difficult struggle to open up the political landscape here in Dukinfield. But I am still here campaigning for political change in Dukinfield. (Vote West Vote For Real Change) I am never motivated by money or greed. I say give people what they want, give them their birthright. Freedom of the individual to speak his/her own mind without the thought police knocking at the door. Britain stood alone at the start of the both wars in Europe with a collective courage, please let me say to you the good folk of Dukinfield in 2010, don't believe the nonsense Labour/UAF have to say! They are motivated by hate and smear campaigns in the community. We want a strong community spirit put back into Dukinfield and not this self-interest and self-promotion of the three Labour councillors. I believe in the cause of freedom and the promotion of real community involvment for the people of Dukinfield.
Roy West 2010 British National Party Dukinfield.
Labour’s (Inter)National Lottery
National Lottery funding is dished out to African dance troupes, prisoners’ painting classes and equipment for Peruvian guinea pig farmers — but not a single penny is available for any organisation which pledges to promote and protect English culture.
This shocking fact has emerged after South Wales British National Party superactivist Roger Philips asked the National Lottery Commission under a Freedom of Information (FOI) request about grants made to “good causes.”
The commission was “unable to assist” Mr Phillips, but they did provide a web link to the lottery grants database, which records all payments made since 1995 — and reveals some peculiar Labour government pet projects as the recipients of funding.
A search established that 153 grants amounting to £7,366,692 have been made to Muslim organisations, in comparison with 106 grants worth £3,366,924 made to Christian organisations, amounting to less than half of the total donated to Islamic causes.
There have been 2365 grants awarded to organisations which promote multicultural ideology, amounting to £184,278,549.
Schemes operating out of the heavily Islamified and Labour-controlled Tower Hamlets — with its 15,000 council staff and £1.1 billion budget — have received £207,563,446 in lottery grants since 1995.
The more unusual grants include:
£6,035,976 granted to the Black Photographers’ Association in 2002.
£5,078,472 granted to the British Refugee Council in 2007.
£2,000,000 granted to Pathe Productions for their Bollywood project in 2003.
£1,011,104 granted to Health Unlimited for a radio service broadcasting “in the vicinity of the African Great Lakes.”
£7,040,000 (2003) and £5,050,000 (2000) granted to ‘Rich Mix’ Cultural Foundation “for the promotion of ethnic minorities’ impact on the London economy and culture.” (The BNP website offers this service free of charge.)
The commission was keen to stress that they do not distribute the funds directly; responsibility is delegated to outside bodies who are selected by parliament, including arts, sports and films councils, and the Big Lottery Fund: the body responsible for distributing 670 million a year, of which 70 million goes to international projects.
The Big Lottery Fund receives around 14p of every pound paid into the lottery.
It has been heavily criticised in the past, once being compared to a Stealth Tax because the grants from this fund contribute towards projects that are usually, or should be, state-funded.
Labour ministers have been accused of using lottery funding to meet ministerial targets, or to meet Labour’s culturally Marxist ‘social objectives’.
The only indigenous English species the funding bodies seem concerned with are water invertebrates and plants.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
800 Jobs Lost as Labour Destroys Yet another UK Industry
The Labour regime’s plan to complete the Conservative Party’s plan to utterly wreck Britain’s manufacturing base took another step forward this week with the announcement that the army’s new light tanks would not be built in this country.
Army bosses had agreed that the 30-year-old Scimitar tank currently in service needed to be replaced and had recommended to the Government that the CV90 armoured reconnaissance vehicle be built by BAe Systems in Newcastle and Telford.
The Government, however, dismissed the army’s preferences and gave the £1 billion contract to General Dynamics for the Ascot armoured vehicle, which is made in Spain and Austria.
Officials at BAe told the media that more than 800 jobs would now be lost in Britain and that there would be a “critical drop in engineering skills” in Britain.
In addition, a BAe spokesman was quoted as saying that the contract would have created “hundreds more jobs at its factories in Newcastle and Telford, in Shropshire.
“It will be difficult to retain the skills in armoured vehicle systems in the UK that are necessary to support the front line,” the BAe company spokesman said, adding, “obviously we are going to have to look again at our footprint in the armoured vehicle sector in the UK.”
In plain English, that means that BAe Systems will now have to close down its armoured vehicle manufacturing facilities in Britain.
The Government’s decision goes against the army’s choice and reveals the lie behind Labour’s promise of “British jobs for British workers.”
More importantly, the closure of the BAe Systems plants will herald the final destruction of the nearly 100-year-old British tank manufacturing industry.
* The plan to gut the manufacturing heart of Britain was first launched by the Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher. Since then, the Labour government has actively pursued this policy as well.
Current estimates claim that there are some eight million “economically inactive” adults in Britain.
Read more about the Scimitar by clicking here.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Britain's Streets of Booze
From weddings to funerals, casual meetings to formal dinners, alcohol is used to brighten almost any social occasion. But there is a darker side. It can also destroy lives. It is cheap, it is readily available and it is wrecking lives. Super-strength lager, containing around 8% alcohol is, for many of Britain's alcoholics, the drink that starts and finishes every day. Jackie, aged 40, is in super-strength hell. She has lost three children to care and begins her day with a can of super-strength. It keeps the shakes away and keeps her blood alcohol level topped up. This is a reality in Britain today a society of recklessness,selfishness. Britain holds the shameful record in all of Western Europe for drug abuse, binge drinking with the young. British teenagers have a drink problem. They consume twice as much alcohol as they did 15 years ago. Half of 15 to 16-year-olds told a recent survey they had been drunk in the last month and a similar number said they had first been drunk at the age of 13 or younger. It's a British society in great decline fallen from the highest standards once above all other nations, Britain was the light of the world in morals and standards for all other nations to follow. Indeed now, Britain is in foreign take over situation with our Capital City London fast becoming a battle ground for different foreign crime gangs. The old Londoners cannot move out of the City fast enough as the foreign take over continues at a fast pace. It's a complete destruction of a culture,heritage,way of life in Britain today.
Roy West
Vote British National Party.
A focus on the police and their response times to calls about street yobs
I don't write this artical lightly or to use a strongly-worded rebuke in condemnation of GMP force. I come at this from a position of frontline experience of giving evidence against community wreckers in Hyde. No matter what Zoe Hamilton of GMP says in relation to the fight against roaming gangs of yobs on our streets, there is no plan of determination or structure to free our communities from yobs causing fear and violence. The police will always tell you to your face,"it's the courts fault,we catch them and they let them off". And yes thats true, but the police have lost the confidence of the residents because they are slow to responed to reports from concerned residents about yob problems in the first place. The police will always tell you what they would do personally to these community wreckers in private, but it does not fit with the politically correct mob in control of the police these days. The police need a radical return to community policing, out of their fast cars and back on the beat where they can see things alot more clearer. A reconnection with communities that have been left for years at the mercey of roaming gangs of yobs. Over the years of New Labour, British communities have become battle grounds for foreign drug gangs and home grown yobs.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
Another victim of yob violence
I very much regret to read about another death victim of yob violence in our communities, but it will continue untill the will to crack down on yob-violence becomes a reality. It simply is a case of not having the will to put the police back on the beat where they belong. Our Communities need that confidence put back in the minds of residents concerned about yob-violence. We see too many victims, and not enough justice for those growing number of victims. Every death due to the mindless yob-violence in our communities sparks me with anger that nothing will be done to prevent more deaths in the future. Our streets can no longer be places of crime free yob-violence, why not then? of course you've got it, because there's no community policing and no bobbies on the beat anymore. No real drive to protect the people, and communities from roaming gangs of yobs. David Askew RIP
Thursday, 11 March 2010
A question for the Dukinfield Conservatives
How does it sit with you that Tory leader David Cameron is a sponsor of the violent left-wing group the UAF? We see that the Labour Mafia here in Dukinfield are in favour of political violence on our streets, or why would they invite these UAF types into Dukinfield to help them out in the elections? But anyway back to the leader of the Conservative party having anything do to with an extreme left-wing group like the UAF. It really indicates how far the Conservative party has gone from that traditional stance of being proud to be British and so on. It really takes some explaining from a Conservative point a view as to why the extreme left-wing UAF group are now in a poltical partnership with the Tories, something Margaret Thatcher would never have taken part in. Not withstanding all that talk of an all alliance between the Tories and the extreme left UAF. The Dukinfield Labour Mafia even invited the National Front/UKIP/ Neo Nazi BPP, wanting them all to stand in Dukinfield. 'The Dukinfield three' Labour Mafia are onto a good thing, they make lots of money on the political gravy train and they don't want anyone coming along to throw them of that political gravy train. They are just self interest Councillors in the publics pockets, I've seen them close up and how they operate when a member of the general public dares to challenge them. It's all a sef-interest set up, and I''ve seen these people with their public smiling face one minute but if you dare to challenge their money making self-interest stance, then they turn on you using groups like the violent UAF in Dukinfield.
We look forward to another trip with St Chad's, myself and my family. It's such a shame that the Church is so politically correct these days! Rather than looking at the issues of 'Broken Britain', the widening poverty in our communities, crime, and son on. The Church of England is a political rump of extreme leftists. That's why it's slowly breaking up some leaving for the Catholic Church others staying home others getting together for house meetings in the praise of God. Much of my church; The Church of England is now a dying relic now controlled by extreme leftists.
British people put last again
Last week the Government handed out £63.3 million in foreign aid to Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan — while both Tory and Labour parties have promised to make “far-reaching” domestic spending cuts in Britain.
The latest example of how British people are always put last has come through a series of press releases on the Department for International Development’s (DFID) website. These statements are always blacked out by the controlled media for fear of adverse public reaction, but can be viewed by clicking here.
On 10 March, the DFID announced that it was giving £7.5 million to Somalia to provide food, clean water and medicine.
At the same time, the DFID announced a further £5.8 million for a new programme “to help promote peace and stability in the region by supporting reconciliation and local peace building initiatives between clans and communities.”
The DFID’s 2009–2010 aid programme in Somalia currently totals some £30.5 million.
On 9 March, International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander launched a “new growth programme for Helmand to provide jobs and help for farmers and local businesses.”
The Helmand Growth Programme (HGP) will see around “800,000 people benefit from the project in which the Department for International Development is investing £28 million over three years” and will put “in place the foundations for continued growth and job creation.”
This grant will, the DFID said, reinforce “the commitment made by the Development Secretary in 2009 to invest £32 million in major infrastructure projects in Helmand, including a 50 km road linking the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah to the economic hub of Gereshk.”
On 8 March, the DFID announced that it would give £20 million to “help millions of people affected by conflict in Pakistan.”
By 2011, Pakistan will be the UK’s second largest development programme worldwide, the DFID has proudly announced — despite Pakistan having a massive army which has nuclear weapons.
The huge cash grants are put into perspective by the Government’s failure to address the problem of eight million “economically inactive” people in Britain, and the paltry £12 million given for “deprived white working class areas” in October last year.
Even that £12 million was divided up into 100 identified regions, which means that each area will get £120,000 — not even enough to buy a single new house.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Dear resident of Dukinfield
During the local elections in Dukinfield you will receive a number of smear leaflets no doubt from a shadowy extreme left-wing group called UAF. This group does not stand a candidate but works for Lib/Lab/Con politicians. The group takes part in violence against British National Party councillors and tries to intimidate BNP candidates with cowardly phone calls making threats. Many BNP members have received threats from this group in recent years due to the growing success of the BNP at the polls. Extreme left-wing groups will try again to intimidate me again here in Dukinfield in 2010 but their attempts to do this will be watched by the police this year. With the growing support for the BNP in Dukinfield on the rise, this violent UAF group will not find it an easy ride this year. The UAF/Labour group put out some nasty leaflets last year in Dukinfield no name of publish contacts on them shows what a cowardly bunch they are this UAF/Labour outfit is. Real change is on it's way here in Dukinfield, but it shows what Labour has to do to stop BNP support from becoming a victory. To call in the great unwashed in the name of the UAF to carry out a smear campaign just shows the power of this BNP campaign.
Roy West.
The election countdown is under way
The countdown to the May local elections in Dukinfield is on, the BNP campaign is well under way with the first of a number of important community leaflets being delivered in the area. We offer the folk of Dukinfield the real alternative to the corrupt Labour, gravy train riders with their greedy hands in the publics pokets. It's a real chance for change for the good people of Dukinfield as the British National Party vote gets stronger. The people of Dukinfield have the chance to get more involved with politics and to demand more from their elected local Councillors. So many people in Dukinfield don't feel the need to vote because they say 'they are all the same' This is not true with Roy West and the British National Party because we listen and we care. We care about our English communities and our heritage, we believe in conservative values and a decent caring society. Thats why the BNP always campaigns for justice and the rights of the individual. The cracks in Dukinfield Labour Mafia are beginning show with every challenge from the BNP here in Dukinfield. It's going to be a great British National Party challenge again, not just here in Dukinfield but in all the wards where the BNP will be standing in Tameside.
Roy West
Community Policing
Why have the police decided to withdraw completely from community policing these days? All the best aspects of real community policing seems to have been abandoned and replaced by political correct policing. The reports by residents of yobs on our streets causing fear and violence, is usaually met with the same police response 'there's not much we can do really'. A policeman told me the other week in person 'we're always fighting a reargaurd action'. But why should this be the case? I'll tell you what I believe, not only have the police lost the confidence of a growing number of people in the community, they have been bound by political dogma and themselves imprisoned to serve minority groups interests only. With the gravy train politicians now going along with the politically correct policy now in place for the future of community policing, there is very little hope that we will ever see a return to the real community policing where the policeman was there to serve and protect. The police are now bound to silly targets that have nothing to do with real community policing of our streets. Communities will no doubt continue to suffer as long as the police remain in this straight jacket called politically correctness.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Labour Party think tank says Britain needs more immigrants
The Labour Party’s leading ideological think tank, the extremist, leftist Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), has called for an increase in Third World migration to Britain on the grounds that it “economically benefits” the immigrants’ origin nations — even though it costs Britain billions and is destroying British cohesion and identity.
The revealing insight into the criminal and treasonous nature of the Labour Party’s leading ideologues in the IPPR was provided in a report entitled”Development: Do points mean prizes? How the UK’s migration policies could benefit the world’s poor”, published at the beginning of this month.
The IPPR was previously headed up by Matthew Taylor, the Labour Party’s Campaign Co-ordinator and Director of Policy during the 1997 general election. He played an important role in drawing up the Labour manifesto and was Assistant General Secretary of the Labour Party until 1998.
Tony Blair appointed Mr Taylor to head the Number 10 Downing Street Policy Unit and to draw up the Labour Party’s manifesto for the 2005 election.
Other IPPR directors have included Nick Pearce, a former special advisor to David Blunkett MP. Former IPPR staffers have included cabinet ministers Patricia Hewitt and David Miliband while another leading light in the IPPR is Tristram Hunt who sits on the Labour’s National Parliamentary Panel.
(Mr Hunt recently published a sympathetic biography of Friedrich Engels, the co-founder of communist ideology, called Marx’s General: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels.)
According to the new IPPR report, the Government’s “points-based system” for assessing the skills of newcomers should be used as a tool for international aid.
The report says that ministers should “take into account the economic boost when immigrants send cash home to their families” — in other words, the billions that migrant workers send home, out of Britain, are another way of subsidising the Third World.
Although this is of course true, it ignores the fact that it is the British economy — already struggling under a massive deficit, unprecedented Government borrowing and near-record unemployment — which is being used as a source for this “subsidy.”
The report claims: “There are arguments for increasing the freedom of movement to migrants between the UK and their home countries for skilled and low-skilled workers.
“Our analysis has shown that trying to reduce skilled migration flows to the UK from developing countries may actually be bad for development in many circumstances.
“Many developing countries could benefit, it appears, from more rather than less skilled emigration because of the remittances that migrants send, the transnational communities that migration creates, and the positive incentives that migration can create, which in many places outweigh any negative impacts that skilled emigration has.”
The IPPR report even called for an increase in non-skilled Third World migration, saying: “We also think that in some cases there is a development argument for increasing migration flows. For some developing countries this would involve more skilled emigration (certainly to above five percent), and many countries seem likely to benefit from the opening up of more channels for low-skilled migration.”
The British National Party’s policy is one of closing the gates. Britain is already overpopulated and the time has come for a government to put the interests of the British people first — economically, socially and politically.
* The annual total cost of immigration to the British taxpayer is now set at just over £13 billion per year.
According to figures compiled earlier by Oxford Professor of Demography, David Coleman, and released by independent think tank Migrationwatch, immigration already costs the British taxpayer some £12.8 billion per year.
This figure does not include the cost of housing and feeding foreign prisoners generated by the imprisonment of 11,350 foreign convicts in Britain’s overcrowded jails. Criminal immigrants held in British jails cost the taxpayer £283 million per year, Government figures have revealed
It is estimated that foreign nationals already remit over £4 billion a year back to their “home” countries every year.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Dear residents of Dukinfield
Please don't be fooled by the false caring for Dukinfield's pensioners from the Dukinfield Labour Mafia. The annual pensioners party held by the Labour Mafia here in Dukinfield, is a cold and calculated scam to get votes. If they were so concerned about our pensioners they would campaign to stop the Labour betrayal of British pensioners, they could start by showing their disgust at the vile betrayal by Labour that results in 25,000 British pensioners freezing to death from the cold each year in this country. They don't care about Britain's pensioners only staying on the political hand-out gravy train. Join the party that truly cares about our old folk the British National Party. Open your eyes to the Labour scam about caring for the welfare of British pensioners, if they did we would not see the yearly Labour betrayal that sees 25,000 British old folk freezing to death in the winter because they can't afford to heat their homes. This is how Labour treat the same people that built this nation with their blood, sweat, and tears. The cold calculated annual pensioners party here in Dukinfield is set up not to respect and support pensioners but to buy their votes. Thats why it's cold and calculated. Vote British National Party.
Binge-drinking is out of control in Britain
One in four adults in Britain are binge drinkers and the UK recently topped a poll as Europe's heaviest alcohol consumers. On the streets of binge Britain Every weekend, Britain's town centres are transformed into scenes of drunken mayhem and soaring levels of violence. We all know the score in relation to broken Britain when it comes to this disturbing subject. The Labour government created this massive problem with allowing the sale cheap booze. kids on the streets drinking, oh I agree it's also down to parents they could not careless about their kids drinking on the streets. There is no real law and order in Britain anymore so these kids are free to drink on the streets and cause violence in the community. They hang around shops asking people to go in and buy the booze for them, in many cases it turns violent and abusive if they are refused. Broken Britain indeed young people that have nothing better to do than hang around shops abusing people. Don't get me wrong it's not all young people doing this but it's a growing minority of rowdy youths on the streets. It's certainly a very worrying part of broken Britain this binge drinking amongst the young in our society. We won't live in hope for action from this Labour government when they created broken Britain in recent years.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Back to the fundamentals on my being a BNP Candidate: The Labour betrayal of British Pensioners
Fear grips old as care home closures rise Rise in property prices and lack of funding create crisis for ageing population.
Almost 40,000 of the 570,000 beds in Britain's care homes have been lost over the past five years. At the same time the number of people over 75, 3.7 million in 1996, is expected to rise by nearly 20 per cent over the next decade.
Successive governments have failed to acknowledge the dramatic impact on older people of sudden home closures.Yet, former Health Secretary Frank Dobson admitted in 1997 that 10 per cent die after an enforced change in their residential status.
Help the Aged says 18 per cent of councils pay less to homes for accommodation than the rates recommended by the Government. The average payment is £250 a week for residential homes, or £350 a week for homes where nursing care is also offered.
'Moving into a care home in the first place is traumatic,' said Stevenson. 'To be evicted with no say in the matter, when they require stability and continuity of care, can be devastating.' New Labour care more about who is coming into Britain than they do for our British old folk, the same people that fought a war to keep Britain free so they say. Daily Mail
Car Crime Sparks Fear on Britain’s Roads
A new survey reveals growing concern over safety on Britain’s roads.
Over 40% of UK drivers have been a victim of car crime.
1 in 5 of us no longer feel safe on Britain’s roads
Nearly 50% believe that drivers are getting more aggressive
Just 42% said they would stop if they saw another driver in trouble on the road
Incidents ranging from road rage and car jacking to physical abuse and even rape reported. Just a sad reflection of another example of broken Britain with none of the established political Lib/Lab/Con parties willing to address this madness.
Lib/Lab/Con choose not to open their eyes, but the British National Party takes notice of every detail in relation to broken Britain. David Cameron talks about broken Britain but he is in favour of mass immigration and talks about allowing thousands of Africans with HIV/AIDS into Britain to put even more pressure on our NHS. We are ruled by people that simply don't care about Britain only for the money that they can get out of us all.
Don't let them destroy Britain-Vote British National Party.
Looking back on the great Tory betrayal of young people in Britain 1979/85
Social services before Thacther came to power were not perfect but a mass of closures of childrens homes and services for children followed. Thousands of young people leaving care in 1979 early 80's faced a start in life living on the streets. It's a Tory shame that wrecked thousands of young lives, young lives facing homelessness in their thousands because the Conservatives took that vital service away from a generation of vulnerable young people. Thacther put tens of thousands of young people to work for the slave Labour £23.50 a week . A firm in Ancoats Manchester, took full advantage of this endless supply of young slave labour. A quarter of his workforce slaved for eight hours a day for £23.50. He was not alone when taking advantage of this massive pool of young slave Labour. They grew rich on this slave Labour that Thacther and the Conservatives forced upon young people. Young people had no future working for slave wages at that time, this is the shameful legacy left from those days by the Tories. Thatcher was the wrecker of communities she allowed the bosses to use young people for slave Labour.
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