Saturday, 27 March 2010

The Labour Party betrayal of the ideals of their founding fathers

You see the evil and corrupt Labour politicians bleeding us all of our savings and tax-money. It's a betrayal of the working class, a Labour movement no-longer the champions of the poor and working class in our nation. The founding fathers of the Labour movement have had their memories defiled by the charlatans who now masquerade as champions of the workers. The Labour rosette no longer represents the workers of this country, it now represents a cabal of opportunist chancers who have no interests in the history or ideals which brought the original Labour movement to prominence. You know now it's all a vile nest of money grabbing Labour internationalists far removed from the British working class. The roots of the Old Labour party has long gone, as the money men have taken over that Labour party today. The Labour party no-longer stands for the British working family, but a corrupt Europe and internationalist agenda. If you want to be a Lib/Lab/Con politician these days in sinking Britain, you need only to be corrupt in the first place to get elected. This is why the British National Party always face the smears attacks from the UAF/Lib/Lab/Con snakes, so these political crooks can carry on with their corrupt agenda. These political crooks and Lib/Lab/Con traitors see the British National Party as a threat to them not to the British people themselves. The BNP love the British people! and want the Lib/Lab/Con crooks and traitors to answer for their crimes against the British people.

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