Friday, 5 March 2010

Community Policing

Why have the police decided to withdraw completely from community policing these days? All the best aspects of real community policing seems to have been abandoned and replaced by political correct policing. The reports by residents of yobs on our streets causing fear and violence, is usaually met with the same police response 'there's not much we can do really'. A policeman told me the other week in person 'we're always fighting a reargaurd action'. But why should this be the case? I'll tell you what I believe, not only have the police lost the confidence of a growing number of people in the community, they have been bound by political dogma and themselves imprisoned to serve minority groups interests only. With the gravy train politicians now going along with the politically correct policy now in place for the future of community policing, there is very little hope that we will ever see a return to the real community policing where the policeman was there to serve and protect. The police are now bound to silly targets that have nothing to do with real community policing of our streets. Communities will no doubt continue to suffer as long as the police remain in this straight jacket called politically correctness.

1 comment:

  1. Caught a comment reported from a US copper recently - "We're not here to stop disorder, but to stop it spiralling out of control (ie stop it from jeopardising state/macro-economic functions")

    I dare say this is the view of the likes of Meredydd Hughes, chief constable of South Yorks, who when presented with evidence of sustained intimidation/violence from one household against another shrugged "Neighbours have got to learn to get along"
