Sunday, 28 March 2010

Who killed the Old Labour Party?

The betrayal of the British working class, is on the agenda of the banks and Internationalists. The Old Labour movement of political determination to serve the working class, seems to be million miles from this bunch of Labour crooks and masters of political thuggery. (Money and Greed) the code for these new Labour political crooks running this once great nation. Britian makes money, not for HER own people but for crooked MP'S and their Party workers and masters. Foreigners are more important rather than England's own poor and needy in this broken land fit for heroes. The most hated government in living history with Peter Mandelson the Architect of pulling up the roots of Old Labour along with Presscott the Old Labour traitor if ever you saw one of the kind. This nest of snakes that care nothing for the British people not a care for pensioners in need. Making money through corruption and crooked deals with the banks, but not only that, taking Britain into wars again their motivations money and power. Corruption is evil no mistake about that, we can all see these vile politicians at work making these crooked deals in sight of us all but they always get away with their vile crimes against the British people.
Who cares? We do! The British National Party.

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