Thursday, 25 March 2010

Will the Dukinfield Labour Party issue a statement distancing themselves from their 'hired helpers' and violent thugs - the UAF?

We look to our local leaders for respectful leadership, to bring people closer to the alter of democracy and community politics. We see the hypocrites from the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' in league with the violent political thugs from the UAF. Labour will bring in their political thugs to intimidate you from voting BNP, and to spread fear in Dukinfield once again. What is worrying to me on a very personal issue is, the Labour magistrate posting smear leaflets for this very violent political extremist leftist group in Dukinfield last local elections. This Labour Mafia in Dukinfield play a very dangerous game with their violent political friends(the uaf) brought into the ward to do Labour's dirty work. It will be interesting to see if the 'Dukinfield Labour Mafia' will distance themselves from the violent UAF for this coming local election in Dukinfield.
Roy West British National Party Candidate.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the perv with the orange shorts?
